I Can Resist Anything Except Temptation.

You Are The One Temptation I Gotta Enjoy.

Saturday, February 28

And to think

I thought I had nothing to say. Apparently that whole chunk below proved me wrong. Hahahahahha I know, I know, I am such a walking contradiction. Maybe I should try harder to get my life back on track.

On another note, I never ever, ever, ever, ever, ever regret my choices, even the stupid ones that I make. And that refers to one big choice that I have made. And I know that I am never going to be able to get it back.

Friday, February 27

To think I thought I knew

Hahahahaha I knew it. Truth and honesty are so hard to come by. I never thought but now I know. I always thought and now I know, I know better too. Maybe you don't tell me everything but it does not mean that I don't know. From now on, and also Immediately has not held true and I don't think it will.

When we are in control, we are good.
And when we are out of control, that is when we become a beast. We are in a frenzy. We don't know how to help it. How to help ourselves.

Anyway, I know I have pretty much MIA-ed from school, from home, from blogging (awww my dear sweet readers, notice how I am calling you readers instead of stalkers?!). I am becoming a sloth. And when one day, when I finally grow up, I will look back and then think, 'What the hell? Did I really skip school and give up halfway?' Hahahah fuckkkk it was such a waste of money!!!! I mean, one term, it is like half a freaking semester and one semester costs about 1200buckeroos. and I wasted half of that, damn, I am good. But I am still going back to school, just so you know. Hahah because 'Quitters never win and winners never quit.' Whoo so cliche!

So the few weeks went by in a whirl, as usual, what's new?!?!?!
People mugging, people studying, people quitting. Many things go on around the world. There is usually nothing that involves me being the centre of the whole fucking universe. Though I would love to be in the middle of it for a few times (: Hehehehe.

And for a night, I became Cinderpamela and Rachel, Cinderachella (WTFHFHFHF!?!?!). Hahahah what the fuck right? I don't know either. Everybody is going, or have gone or will be going. I am looking forward to going since there is not much going on in my life.
It's been so long since I had the time to type out such a goddamn long and boring and mundane post. I think nobody reads this blog anymore. Or maybe they still do. Since human beings are usually a bunch of nosy idiots who cannot, absolutely cannot resist poking their noses into other people's business, now, correct me if I am wrong.
Having said that, I cannot exclude myself from the human race :/ I do admit that I poke and pry, but of course only into the business of the people that I love/are interested in/want to know/blahblah/whatever other shallow excuses. It is only because I am included in the above category that I am able to find out about things that I never thought I knew.......... Hehehehehehehhe!!!!

I would not want to desert this blog at all. I will not choose Livejournal in favour of blogger because I started out on blogger first. Shit there were still many things I needed to rant about but being me, I forgot. Hahahahah

Oh, did I mention that I am finally going for fuckingattachment? Hahahah being a slave for a fucking 7weeks is not going to go down well on me. Hmmm, and I have been thinking lately. How the fuck do I get my ass back to Tampines and tell my mother that I am finally going back home to stay? Haha there is a high possibility that I might get slaughtered but I guess my skin is thick enough. Since I have already survived for 18, coming 19 years, I think I still can hold on to this pathetic life which I am going to die from for another 10 - 20 years? Hahahaha or the harder thing to tell her would be how I managed to fritter away all my money in a span of 2 weeks. Hehehehehe.

It is not a matter of jealousy but a misunderstanding. How can we stand by and let the person we love get hurt or get with another person. And what if that little corner of our mind grows bigger all the time. What if? Life, full of shits and what ifs.
It is also not a matter how me thinking too much but the facts are just right in my face.
It is not a matter of it being a matter.

Wednesday, February 25

I am giving up. Not going to try so hard anymore. I hate it when I fail so terribly at the things that I am trying to make good, do good. I feel like a failure.

Why is she getting more and more impatient with me? Am I the one to have done wrong by doing my cover letter on the laptop? Why is she so annoyed with me? Why is she so pekchek?

I know, she hates me, that's why.

Friday, February 13

It's a cam-whore's world!

I got my Superheadz.
LCB got the BB.
L got her Golden Half.
K got her Superheadz.

Yay we all have cameras nowwww. Hahahahaha it feels so weird to be standing on both sides of the fence. And I think I am quite dumb cause I always cannot figure out secret messages. I shall device a new way of sending secret messages so other people cannot figure it out.
Uh, virgin experience of sheesha, coughed like mad on the first puff. Boo, lousy right.
Uh, wearing the same neon yellow shirts which was unintentional.
Uh, I realise I keep uh-ing.

And I find it so scary, so scary.

Thursday, February 12


That's my new keychain/camera/toy.

Wednesday, February 11

Hello peapalzz

I am a very happy kid today and I have absolutely no idea why. Hahahahaaaa uh, let's see, the dumb girl agreed to help her friend draw this thingy cause the friend's friend is leaving already and today is already a Wed and her friend needs it by Fri. Hahahahahaha damnsmart right. But it's okay. Dumb girl is nice girl so dumb girl helps her friend!!! Hehehehe.

And we are still a happy family. Anyway, the focus of the picture is supposed to be the puppy!!! Hahahahahahahaha it's Grumpy and he is the fattest out of all three little pupzx!!!!!!!!!!!!! But he doesn't eat his food properly. Hahahahhahahaha there are 2 others, one eats damn fast and the other one likes to eat other sibling's food.... Forgot who does what. Hahahahahhaha Dippy and Dopey. I can't imagine how it would be like if all grew up... Whoa, 5 grown dogs around the house....... HAVOCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC!!!!

Hello pee pal

Monday, February 9

Someone mentioned that

my posts getting boring all :O oh! the horror! -Gasps-

Howdieeee peeepalzzzz
Am I supposed to talk alot and about anything under the sun?

Okay, attachment is starting soon. I think the beginning of March. The past few weeks passed by in a blur. It's as if I was or still am living a dream. Quite a wonderful dream. Yesterday, someone, a certain someone read stories to me. And it was indeed marvellous, the stories I must say. And yesterday, I tried to create a little story which rhymes, sad to say, I failed rather terribly.

'There was once a little girl
Who wore her hair in curls
She did a graceful swirl
Which made her head go in whirls'

There!!! So childish right. I mean, can you imagine that this little girl with curly hair doing swirls like a ballerina and then gets headache because she turned round in circles too much? Hahaha obviously I am not cut out to be a poet. I smell food and I currently feel hungry. I arranged all the MnMs into different sections last night. Heheheh I feel rather accomplished because it was tediously tedious. The smell of food is so, tempting!!!! I WANT TO EAT!

Since this is my blog, naturally I should be talking about myself right? Oh, I should not be blogging right now. I need to help her do her forms and stuff. Need to edit the nonsense! Life is so mundane. I am still helping her to edit but I don't know what name would she want for her producer or the producer's name has to be her own name. Why am I even telling all of you(s) this, as if you(s) would know what I am talking about. Heck, I am not even sure what am I talking about... And now, I am supposed to help with some logo shitzzzz and I have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA on how to do it. Doesn't help that I have limited ways to contact her and that she doesn't sound the least bit thankful (of course I know she is!!!) and instead sound so annoyed. I mean, I am sorry I caused you to not be able to finish the work but I am trying to help here?!?! My course and her course, woahhhhh, like 2 totally different things.... Now, she tells me she feels like dying. Hahahahah I think I have been to hell and back... And my money is running out, I am going straight to hell. Oh, she just came down from her lessons and helped a little. I think I AM THE ONE who is going to die. Hahahaha

I am fucking great. I am outdoing myself. Why the heck am I even helping other people for their project when I can't even do mine properly. Oppsieeeeeeee :X Hahahahah like I care.

Okay, since I promised to help, I need to do a good job. Hehehe I shall blog later when I am finally done. The hungry stomach isn't helping at all....

Sunday, February 8

There was not a need to

but I still did it anyway. And nothing came out of it, as usual. What's the use of poking your nose into other people's business when you can't even save your own tail (not that I have a tail but then again maybe it's hidden and I just haven't found it!!!).

Uh, I need to get to sleep. Good night everyone. Good night to everyone who is feeling all sad and morose and SP for yourself and whatever else. Hate it hate it. Hate me.

Wednesday, February 4

Ponder over it.

erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi

Those who read Harry Potter might know where I got it from.

This happened this(Wednesday!! Not Tues, blogger timing screwed, don't know why!!!) morning...

Elle going off for her shoot for rowing.
P: IF I dying, would you still go for rowing?
L: Yeah, why not? Die already what. Also cannot do anything. If you dying then maybe I send you to the hospital.
P: *Gasps for breath*
*Pretend to die*
P: This is so going onto my blog.

Now you all know how heartless she is.

After a few minutes of fighting. The conversation(or something like that) below occurred.
P: Huh, you really going off already?
L: Yeah...
P: (Looks at the time)
P: You going straight to the cage is it.
L: Yeah.
P: Be careful when you reach there! Cause I put a bomb there. A stink bomb. And it will go off when you arrive.
P: (Looks serious or at least trying to)
P: Cause you the bomb!!!!!!
L: (Looks dumbfounded, and cannot believe that I am so lame!!)

P: (Continues) YOU THE BOMB. YOU THE BOMB!!!
P: Hahahah I think it is so funny, no meh?????



Tuesday, February 3


P: OMGGGGG you smell like phlegm!!!!
(Takes a breath of air from the other side)
L: Huh?!?!?!?! Very smelly ah?
P: No la, not smelly. Do you have a flu or something?
(But still takes a breath of air from the other side)
L: Maybe it's my eye....
(Sniffs her mouth)
(Sniffs her nose)
(Sniffs her eye)
(Continues to laugh like mad)
L: You so mean, laugh at me.
L: I also don't know why ley. I go wash my eye.
(Hurries over to the computer and blog about this)

In the toilet!

L: Eeee, why the toothbrush got hair one.
(Removes the hair from the head of the toothbrush)
(Looks at it for a moment)
L: Wah, luckily the hair is straight and not wavy or I will throw away the toothbrush sia. Cheebye.