I Can Resist Anything Except Temptation.

You Are The One Temptation I Gotta Enjoy.

Friday, January 29

Almost a week since I last blogged

Weather has been pretty unpredictable and school as usual has been sucky. BZs has a new name hahahaha Piggalicious (inspired by Fergalicious) isn't it cute haha okay not cute-.-

That pig is off having crabs with her teammates. Oh I am bored.

Project submission on the 8th. Scared. Worried. Still wasting time. Nothing much to talk about. Land training's attendance is kinda sucky. Eeee why everybody busy studying for tests haha there is no one to play with me. I go watch tv now, bye.

Friday, January 22

What do you say? What do you say?

Submission is today and I am proud to say that I have completed my drainage plan and plotted it in A1 size but there is nothing to be proud of because I am still buried up to my neck in other parts of this project. Hahahahaha. I'm so unpredictable haha what if I actually do my work this time around? I will not let myself go to waste, I have got my whole life in front of me and I won't it all go down the drain. Grandma isn't feeling all that well anymore. My heart aches. I feel afraid, afraid that I will lose her. No, not now.

Been a busy week. Need some rest time. Ever got the my-heart-skips-a-beat kinda feeling whenever you see the person you like? After all these months, I still can't get over the fact that she is mine. I must have done something right to deserve her. I must have.

''Baby could we make a home in the stars
Baby somewhere in a galaxy far''

But you are far away from me.

Tuesday, January 19

Never ever learn

hahaha Friday is submission and guess who is still here blogging away.

Loads to say but now's not the time. Save me from my misery, would someone end my life for me please. They say people who commit suicide cannot enter heaven but then what about murderers?

Sunday, January 17

I sing because I am free

“Everything happens for a reason; people change so that you learn to let go, you believe lies so that you eventually trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so that better things can fall together.”

Taking the chance

to blog while BZs isnt around hehe she gets to eat good food and grow fat while I am training hard and still growing fat-.- life sucks like that, unfair much?

2 weeks of school down and I happily didn't do much for my project hahaha I foresee myself getting kicked out of school due to sucky grades which can make one's jaw drop and lousy attendance which is definitely under the acceptable percentage. Oh how am I gonna survive year 3 in the event that I do get promoted? Hahahaha let me think about tht again.

While blogging this, I destroyed four dishes on Cafe World, what a waste of my cafe coins!

CNY is arriving and the fat old cow is going home whooo. Tigger is coming to stay yay! Can't fit into new clothes or rather I haven't tried to yet. No idea what to wear. Can't be my usual boring self anymore. Need to be outstanding hyurkzzz. Well, since I can't grow any much taller, I shall stand out with a quirky sense of dressing but what to wear to fit around my ever growing tummy and flabby arms. The number 1 rule, NO BLACK and it's killing me because black makes me look slim, well, at least a little slimmer than the fat old me nowwwwww.

Old, fat, broke and ugly. Ah, I should seriously kill myself.

What a whiny post, boring.

Saturday, January 16

Lj and blogger have almost the same number of posts already!

Guess I need to buck up my postings on blogger!

Fat, depressed and a slob. Need I say more?

Oh and I disgust you? Think about maybe all the things that you don't know and we'll see if you are still disgusted when you find out or are you just plain biased against me. I am very much certain that it's the latter.

Monday, January 11

These days

Some people can be so selfish and irresponsible. Shirking responsibilities and procrastinating. They don't even act their age. Please grow some brains and try to grow up as well. How old are you already? Stop being so motherfucking childish and you'd do the world a great favour!

And you, you don't even know what I am talking about so don't assume.

One day at a time

The other day, we were just talking about death at the dining table, no, not while we were having dinner, it was after dinner and we just chanced upon that topic. Who isn't afraid of death? I am, as much as I hate to admit it. I have played out many scenarios in which I would die a horrible death and the most common one would be me jay-walking and then a car comes whizzing past and knocks me to the ground whilst another one will run me over and flatten me like a roti prata. Scary thought? But as possible as can be if we are not careful. Another of my scenarios would be me, while walking down the stairs, I'd trip and fall and break my neck. Hopefully there would be instant death because the thought of being paralysed scares me to death hur hur hur joke.

Am nearing 1/4 of my lifespan already. As much as I want to look good when I die, I absolutely refuse to die so early and if what they say about 2012 is true, we are all going to die in approximately another 2 years. How can that be possible? Does anyone have any idea what else have I to do before I feel that I can leave this world peacefully? I have not gotten married, learnt how to drive or ride a motorcycle, gotten a degree, or even graduated. I think I might just be the most under-qualified ghost in history, with no achievements to speak of :/ That would suck. Boooo ): A thought that has been constantly nagging me, where would I go after death? Thinking about it just makes me want to go to sleep. It's a topic I think about almost every night since I learnt how to think before I go to bed.

On a side note. Hahaha my sleeping habits are screwed up. Sleeping at about 12mn and waking up at about 4am. That's about all the sleep I can manage to steal. Screwed right. Not to mention I have got the final project looming over me. Even if I were to go to bed early, something in me makes me toss and turn and cause me to be unable to fall asleep. I want to but I can't. Why is that so?

I believe I have become more patient hehehe as in the way I talk to people, I do not scold or kp them as much anymore and I am proud of myself because I speak to them in a civilised way. We must all keep our heads up and improve. Let's all work together for we are, only as strong as our weakest link. We do what's best for ourselves and ignore all the others. We have each other (:

Phew, wordy much.

Friday, January 8

Stuck in gems class

And am watching some food etiquette video which is boring the life out of me. Trying to update with the itouch but it is turning out kinda disastrous haha there are so many typos :/ abs aching like mad! Can't laugh properly for nuts ): hahaha I cannot even stretch properly! Oh dear. Anyway, have been early for lessons this week till Friday haha was late for about 3 hours, couldn't be bothered to wake up ): teacher is yakking away and another hour to end of gems but someone just walked in! How incredible! I guess it doesn't matter since she hasn't taken the attendance haha should have came late too. Ah, am so bored.

Ooooh SP open house! I went to visit yunn sin with bernice before heading down to kallang.
Need. To. Train. Harder.

Thursday, January 7

You are what I never knew I always wanted

I love you. 3 words, 8 letters. You mean the world to me.

Cant help it

Ever chanced upon like a blog or whatever and then you start reading it and get so absorbed in other people's life and continue to read their archives till like you reach waaaaaaaaaaay back into their past when you didn't even know each other yet? Well, isn't it worst when the blog you read happens to be that of someone you love or like or have a crush on or maybe even your eye candy's blog.

So you read and read, and find out that they were so in love and blah blah. She is afraid to lose her lover and you find yourself stinging with jealousy. If it were someone you love, you start to compare yourself to The Ex. And you tell yourself you can treat her better than that, make her happier.

Everyone does that. We all know we shouldn't but we can't help it. Human trait I guess.

Tuesday, January 5

Stole this from somewhere.

Where do I get moolah?

Fat as a pig

On a cheery Thursday last week.

3 of us little pigs came out to play and stuffed ourselves so full of salmon sushi that we almost burst. Well, actually I was the one eating all the sushi hahahaha Kwansie eats burnt sausages and BZs just likes her su soba. Mmm sushi buffet makes us all fat. Ksws got her Jelly Lenses and am planning to get the pink one too so fun so fun but the effects abit messy. Just a little bit.

Love how we 3 can always meet up and just eat like pigs hahaha much love!

The guy I am drooling over, JY!

Got this off somewhere.

I confess that in 2009 I…
( ) stayed single for the whole year
( ) made out in/on a car
( ) kissed in the snow
( ) celebrated Halloween
(x) kissed in the rain
( ) had your heart broken
( ) broke someone else’s heart
(x) had a stalker (hahaha stalkers can anot?)
( ) went over the minutes on your cell phone (don't talk on the hp)
(x) had a good relationship with someone
(x) someone questioned your sexual orientation (Ha ha obvious alr and they still ask)
( ) gotten pregnant
( ) had an abortion
(x) have a relationship with someone you’ll never forget (Hi BZs hehe)
(x) done something you’ve regretted
( ) lost faith in love
( ) kissed under a mistletoe

( ) took an honors/advanced class
(x) broke the dress code (all the time :/)
( ) sent to the principles office for misbehavior
( ) straight A’s
(x) met one teacher you really like
( ) met one teacher you really hated
(x) failed a class (retained one whole year :X)
(x) skipped school
(x) did something you were proud of
( ) discovered a new talent
(x) proved yourself an idiot
(x) embarrassed yourself in front of the class
( ) fell in love with a teacher
( ) intentionally tripped someone at school
(x) were involved in something you’ll never forget

( ) painted a picture
(x) wrote a poem (read through my archives, confirm have a poem)
( ) shopped at Hollister or Abercrombie and Fitch
(x) posted a blog
(x) listened to music you couldn’t stand
(x) went to a sleepover
( ) went camping
( ) threw a surprise party
(x) laughed till you cried (as always)
(x) laughed till you peed in your pants (happens but I don't tell people hahaha)
( ) visited a foreign country
(x) cut in a line of waiting people
(x) told someone you were busy when you weren’t
( ) partied to celebrate the new year
(x) cooked a disastrous meal (cook eggs also spoil)
( ) lost something/someone important to you

In 2009 I…
(x) broke a promise
(x) lied
(x) went behind your parents back
( ) cried over a broken heart
(x) disappointed someone close
(x) hid a secret
( ) pretended to be happy
(x) slept under the stars (and under the ceiling and under the fan)
( ) kept your new years resolution
(x) forgot your new years resolution
( ) met someone who changed your life
(x) met one of your idols (hahah so many!)
(x) changed your outlook on life
(x) sat home all day doing nothing
(x) pretended to be sick
( ) left the country
( ) almost died
( ) given up something important to you
( ) lost something expensive
(x) learned something new about yourself
(x) tried something you normally wouldn’t try and liked
( ) made a change in your life
(x) found out who your true friends were
(x) met great people
(x) stayed up til sunrise
(x) cried over the silliest thing (over not being able to eat banana prata)
(x) was never home on weekends
( ) got into a car accident
(x) had friends who were drifting away from you
( ) had someone close to you die
(x) had a high cell phone bill (keep topping up my prepaid)
(x) spent most of your money on food
(x) had a fist fight
( ) went to the beach with your best friend
(x) saw a celebrity
(x) gotten sick
(x) became closer with a lot of people

Saw this somewhere and just had to do it hehehehe

Monday, January 4

Afternoons are best spent napping

not being in class, freezing and doing nothing productive.

I am such a lazy bum. I keep wanting to sleep all the time and usually end up doing some other things instead, like for eg. now, I am blogging about all the unnecessary details of my mundane life. What's there to blog about? School just started. Hahahaha and no prizes for guessing what I did. Telephone role play test this morning went alright, I guess/think/hope/feel.

Someone very important is hooked onto RA2, maybe I should start finding other things to do?
-blog more about my nothing-ness. Why can't I seem to blog nicely with intellectual quotes or phrases or some sort like that? Ah, it might be because I haven't been reading.
-watch tv and be entertained by Discovery Channel (Eh, I really like that channel okay!) or Animal Planet or HBO or random shows that I chance upon, but I say stick with Discovery Channel la.
-youtube and watch Hi My Sweetheart haha heard it's really good but I have not checked it out
-read more mmm this might work because I just borrowed a book from Bzs, if I have to wait for her to finish the book before I can read it, I doubt I will ever get to read it hahaha I am a speed reader but I read every single word so I should be the one reading first, no?

Running out of ideas.

Love reading blogs that sound intellectual and unfortunately, mine isn't one that I'd choose to read. Always been wondering how people can have their command of the English Language so high up in the sky. I wish to be like them but I don't know how to phrase everything so nicely that it all melts together. No brain juices available at the moment.

Haven't been thinking much about my future but because I am fickle minded, currently, I am planning to go into teaching after poly. Like, NIE or something. I don't know. Right now, I wanna be a PE teacher in primary school but I heard that I must teach some other thing other than PE? Maths, I choose you hehehehe. And yes, you saw correctly, I wanna be a teacher and no, I don't think I will scare the kids because by the time I become a teacher, I would have (hopefully) mellowed down and won't be so loud anymore but count on me to be fierce, don't play play with me. Air stewardess still sounds not bad to me..

Cannot resolve to stay happy la, gonna break that resolution. I am a sulky girl now. I want to sleep but I can't find a comfortable position and the bolster smells weird and that's not helping and I haven't watched Avatar and I hope I get to watch it on Wednesday and I need a job and I think I broke 2 resolutions already (the not to be so self obsessed one) oh and read Rozz's blog hahaha so funny. I finished reading it already and also Xx's hahaha shall read Tammy's nowwww since I can't get to sleep.

Oh, what a boring life.

And I finished Hot Shot in like what? 2 days? Hahahaahahahahahahha

Sunday, January 3

Oh, tell me what's new again?

Anyway, I wonder how come we can and you can't? Full of excuses, as usual.

Word of the day: Expectations
The higher it is, the greater the disappointment.

Saturday, January 2

You're not easy to find

Anyway, was being my usual annoying self towards my sister at home at 00:48:23 in the morning of the 2nd day of the damn big deal new year. Like hey! It's 20-freaking-10! Howdie mate! As usual as well, I have deviated from my main point. My point is, after bugging my sister and annoying the crap outta her, I finally got her blog address heh heh my skills put to good use. Depending on whether Beezees is nice to me, I will then decide again whether to tell the end results of my hardwork and share my information with her. Think I most probably will since I am so -ahem ahem- nice (:

So anyway, me sissy poo told me she has a friend who writes damn well and I was like who the hell is that and she was like blah blah blah and I was like blah blah blah and yah dah yah dah all the way. So I decided, being the stalker that I am, to go check it out yo! Sorry la, abit buay tahan what. Kpo and plus must see who so pro.

The blog didn't appear like those typical what-I-do-when-I-wake-up kinda blog. It was quite well written considering the fact that the author is a self confessed trouble maker. It really made me think that maybe we are usually too fast to judge.

Are people with tattoos bad? Tattooing is a form of art and if the person chooses to put that piece of art on his/her body, then it's their choice. I am pretty sure your parents have told you at one point or another in your life that tattooing is only for bad people, for gangsters and that you will never be hired if you have a tattoo. What a load of shit. I mean, it is true to a certain extent that members of certain gangs get inked for identification and such but does that mean everybody or anybody who is inked is a baddie? I don't think Beezees is a baddie. Somebody has a pet scorpion by the way. Hahahahaha.

Which brings me to another point, are the people in EM3 or Normal Tech or even ITE very stupid? I feel like everybody has this unspoken agreement that people who are in such streams are useless bums who are wasting their parents' money because they don't study. There are some who really cannot study, some choose to not study, some didn't choose to not do well. There are also some who have gone to do well in life even though they came from such streams. Articles are aplenty in the newspaper telling us about how so and so became a business man even though he came from ITE blah blah.

Are we stereotyping people and classifying them too easily? Needless to say, I belonged to a group like that too. I am not afraid to say I am quite smart but extremely lazy. I dislike studying and I absolutely hate mathematics. Coming from a good class, of course I thought that people who were in lousier classes were of a lower standard that I was. I wasn't the top 10 in class but that didn't stop me from thinking that I was superior to those in other classes. Did relatively well and went to a relatively good school. But so what? From there came my downward spiral due to my laziness and irresponsibility. My time management sucked and I didn't do well in my studies at all. Ha ha ha. So anyway, I ended up in a poly while those other 'inferior' students who went to other neighbourhood schools ended up in JCs. While I was stuck for another year in my course, they went on to studying in universities. No prizes for guessing who has the last laugh now.

2010, a new year. A new start. Even though every year is a new year. It's time we stop letting it pass us by and start to do some good and pass on some good karma, well in simpler terms, change for the better. Stop judging people, they very often turn out to be better than what you thought they were. Give them a second chance. My mother gave me a second chance when she agreed to let me continue in my studies even though I failed her. Start being thankful for small things in life. Thanks Sissy Poo for letting me have your blog address, actually I think you spoil me sometimes hehehe!

Okay, I think you have just about had enough with the new year thing. Mwah! A kiss for you since you finished reading this post. And that goes out to you, sissy hehehehe you are my personal stalker heh heh heh. Oi, this post good enough anot.

Edit: Wah fuck (oops!), I think I am crazy because everytime I post an entry, I will publish it and then read through and go back and start editing the post due to spelling mistakes or grammatical errors or whatsoever. I am such a freak :S But how come my english seems to still suck and sound weird and make me appear so un-atas? ): Life sucks.

Friday, January 1

First Post of the Year

and am wondering whether I should talk about what's went on for the past 21hours of 2010. Nah, don't think I will as that is a tad boring. Been chasing Hot Shot on YouTube and has been quite successful because I managed to watch 14 episodes already hehehe I am sucha pro right?

Currently leeching my cousin's wireless connection with the help of beezee's laptop. Finished my steamboat dinner which I didn't eat much of as a big part of my stomach as well as my heart went to Hot Shot haha why do I make myself sound like an idiot. It's not as if those actors will notice me ): Anyway, my cousin is talking to me in like such a deep voice and I cannot catch it, too low a pitch for me :/ and looking up at his ceiling, there appears to be a galaxy and therefore I give you a picture of it. It's not that the lights are off, I myself have no idea why the picture turned out like that hahahaha lousy photobooth and he is currently designing his own game, like whutttt?!?!?!?!?! o.O omg overly creative and such a genius, I kid you not.

Back to Hot Shot.