I Can Resist Anything Except Temptation.

You Are The One Temptation I Gotta Enjoy.

Monday, January 26

happenings on a supposedly slack sunday

woke up in the morning and did intervals with xuan. hahahaha nearly died after the first set cause erm. started off too fast. so anyway it was 3 x 1.8km and rest 1 min in between. whut???????????? yepp hahahah that was the plan. did shabbily ): except for first set haha guess i have more to work on.

planked 3x 3x1min and decided to jio a fatty out for swimming hahaha. for me it was floating around in the water and then falling asleep on the chair and then getting burnt -.-

lunched and went blading lol bubs got a pair of blades er i think i will put off blading till idk hahaha see how. maybe sign up for lessons in feb.. 100bucks and i get to use their blades and not buy mine. hmmm i think ok la right? i shall decide whether to get a pair of blades after the lessons lol f i dont show any prospects then might as well dont get LOL loser me.

Saturday, January 24

last night's happenings

wearing her mummy's wedges LOL wtf

wanted a picture of her wearing the wedges but an idiot cut off our feet -.-

after getting scolded
 hahaha apryl was quite adorable last night lol was about to leave the house for a long run with xuan and then she came storming out of the house and even put on her mum's wedges LOL damn funny leh and refused to leave until i went off with xuan LOL damn kpo but damn cute sometimes. other times she's quite annoying but still cute so all is forgiven.

halfway through the run with xuan

lol flyer picture. squatting on the ground
managed a super long run yday and i almost wanted to die hahahah knees and ankle hurting at probably the 14km mark but pushed on and managed to hit 17km last night lol. not a bad distance but hahaha it was a rather slow and relaxed run. hahahaha both my legs aching terribly now though haha gotta remember to foamroll it and loosen the knots or sth idk man hahahahaha hurts when i land on my feet. bleah i hope it goes away. today is a rest day and there will be intervals tmr morning. kinda looking forward to it.

had a good drink after we got home. banana x peanut butter smoothie hurhur. and then we did goal settings and also mini planning for our race progression. so far so good. i am improving. hahahahaha halfway through the run, xuan did ask me my plans for the year. lol i realised i dont have much plans. cause i told her to be able to squat 20kg and bench 15kg per side hahahahahahahaha ok i am a loser. but i gotta train hard for it. struggling at 12.5kg squat now D: weak knees and also struggling at 12.5kg bench :O how can my squat and bench be same weight LOL wtf. anyways short update over heheheh waiting to end work now! :p

clocking mileage

went for a super long run with xuan yday and gearing up for the race. which is in 5week's time haha i still feel unprepared although i have gotten faster.

wanted to post a long post but then i lost my mood. life still sucks. 2015 still sucks. i need to find my courage.

Thursday, January 22

missing you :')

fourth week of the year ending

today is another day that makes me infinitely glad that i chose this job.

lady boss came in and gave me tokyo banana biscuits. not one not two but six pieces. to be infinitely grateful and thankful that i am so well looked after at work. it's the little things that make me glad i chose this job. although i must say not a day goes by that i dont miss my teammates :( i started 2015 without nteamdbgirls. i am going to make it through this year and the next few years and all the upcoming years without them and i am not going to regret my choice. i love them but love isnt enough to put the rice in my bowl. i will still support them in all the little ways i can. my heart is always with them and i hope they always know it.

jiayou for seagames my lovely ladies. i will always support all of you! <3 br="">

Monday, January 19

time flies

2/3 of january down. hahaha as i grow older, there's much less to say lol. thoughts are best kept a secret inside my own mind. yes i might explode from all of it but it's much better than letting it out and hurting people.

2015 and i never bothered making any resolutions haha shld i try to at least make some? okay i think i should haha cause it'll help me be a better person. in many small ways and changes, i can improve myself.

1. to be more tactful when it comes to speaking out. lol tactful doesnt mean i have to mince my words. i just have to find nicer ways to phrase my words.

2. keep up my fitness and try out more new stuff.
- tree top walk at macritchie. hahaha never been there before.
- more trail running
- improve my leg strength

3. read and learn more.

okay thats all i think. hahahah i wish to be better versed and learned.

Wednesday, January 14

runs with xuan

so this is my running partner for now. hahaha she just came back from US not too long ago and i have been waiting to meet her since 3 years back hahahaha cause i heard she's alot like me. well yes and no. hahaha she's way cooler though.

as i mentioned, we signed up for urbanathalon together lol she's prolly ending up in her top1% hahahah while a mere top 10% is good enough for me. heh i thought i ran decently fast until i met her -_- maybe she's just crazy hahahahaha

post run at macr mushroom cafe where we had the sweetest coconut ever lol although that might be because i was super thirsty hahaha. 13.5km of trails enough to kill me idk where she gets her strength from to chiong all the slopes cause i rly wna die HAHAHAHAH

lost my motivation halfway to post. haiyo forgot what i wanted to say. anyways, till next time.

oh and i miss my tanned self sigh. refer to pictures below.

Monday, January 12

right back at you

been feeling all sorts of unmotivated to post cause nothing much is happening in my life right now hahaha ever since i left the team after nov trials. i have been kinda bumming around hahahaha i feel a little lost but also regained some freedom. i guess exercise will always be a part of me but it's different when with teammates who bleed and sweat the same you do. ahahahha one silly girl i will miss the most is probably this. spot the similar faces in all the pictures and youll know which one.

we met a long time ago.. wayyyy back to even before she was in the team haha during a girls night out during the f1 period lol. impromtu outing to zirca? was it zirca? yes. i think it was. or was it rebel.. anyway these 2 clubs arent around anymore so yeapp you can prolly guess how long ago that was lah huh. hahahah we were drinking dancing and then we both just walked over to a nearby table, took off our killer heels and just used our phone like er whut????? hahahahahahhaha i know right so funny omg hahahaha what a joke. 2 losers standing at the side.

so anyway, jos joined the team much later and we werent very close at first. haha she was noisy loud and alot like me.. but eventually we gel-ed together. i think it was cause bubs used to send her to the bus stop near his house. and we usually would have dinner together after trng haha that was also the period we gained weight together TEEHEE now no more liao we no eat supper anymore hahahaha D: so anyway dinners led to hthts and you repeat this x5 a week. see whether become good friends or not LOL.

after she grad from tp(she changed into an ugly muscle tank after her ceremony-.-) and was looking for a job. guess where she landed. lol ssc hahahahahahah back in those days when we would have our lunch time runs and we took lotsa pictures omg. i cant believe it hahaha we were so fit LOL shameless :p we met at our dreaded pull up bar almost every lunch. once again, how to not be close???? bohbian one lor.

ssc was a temp job so she stayed there for about 3 mths. the next place she landed was even better and i was even more thankful. raffles place!!!!!!!! OMG??? we would head to work together after morning row. take ootd shots together. i lent her my dresses hahaha (too loose on her -.-) and i psychoed her to join fitnessfirst lol. what a good friend :D remember our morning circuit class after morning row ? LOL chiongsters making our money worth. hahah and wednesday spin classes at orq outlet which she loved.

ahhh all these memories make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. so what if we have a 3yr age gap. so what if she is annoying and short tempered. she makes me learn how to be more patient lol i cut down alot on scolding her towards to end haha cause she grew up a little lol. they say good things dont last so why is there this little light inside of our friendship thats shining so brightly, it probably wont go out.

now that i am not in the team anymore and your temper is still as bad with noone to control you. i am always one whatsapp away. i can be your listening ear or your reading eye. pls consult me before u do anything dumb. i hope we can always be close even though we wont be always close physically. hahahahaha pls learn to curb your temper and stop being nasty in 2015 and am looking forward to gift you presents every birthday :D i would love to watch u grow up heehee and er. can we do something together after you leave db LOLOLOLOL

with much love,
your fellow surround sound speaker LOL

Monday, January 5

it's been a month since my last update heehee

life's been pretty okay hahaha packed to the brim with activities daily. eh??????? what activities.... just mostly been running alot cause training for the upcoming urbanathlon with xuan hahahaha she's a crazy horse i swear.

2015 is here hahahha 2014 was pretty eventful for me i guess and overall a bad year for me :( altho it did get a teeny wheeny bit better towards the end of it. like dec period lol.

bubs is back frm his 2 weeks long holiday hahahah it has been a week since he's back and thankful that he's back safely. i hope things between us will get even better from now onwards.

clocked a 16km with xuan last weekend and then supposed to do so again this week but we both fell sick so no long d run as she says it's very draining. went to ecp with bubs in the aftnn cause apryl has blading lessons so we went to cycle lolol how come cycling is far more tiring than running hahah idgi... lololol cycled to the point where xuan and i u-turned wah i didnt realise it's so far leh???

tandem was a first hahaah we usually go to the gym or stay home. seldom get the chance to 'exercise' outside.

anyways, loser me is burnt hahah frm yday's cycle wtf.

ok this is just a random update. will blog more if i have any more random thoughts.