I Can Resist Anything Except Temptation.

You Are The One Temptation I Gotta Enjoy.

Wednesday, September 12

500th post

its taken me 4 plus years on this space to reach my 500th post. its been filled with nothing but rants and brought me through 3 rs hahahaha okay do i sound fickle hearted D: but i assure you i am not. from what people say, it just sounds like i grew crazy and violent without a reason, as if they rest had nothing to do with it. as if they didnt play a part to make me jealous and unleash the beast. i hate to feel threatened. i hate to lose. if i lose, you lose too. second adbc that i have gone too. its been a memorable on season filled with ups and downs. rowing that 5km in the pouring rain with my oaks fogging up. with every turn a push10. with every straight course a push20. 20 rowers, 1 drummer, 1 coxswain with our hearts all as one. i always said i will lift heavier, run faster, pull higher but how much better have i become. or will i just be another one just there to fill the space..? i dont know when will i ever stop paddling but right now, its not the time for me to stop yet. its been a splendid 9, coming 10 years of rowing. i had my fair share of golds, silvers, bronzes and losing. but i havent had enough yet. seagames is next year again.. i want to be in the crew. i just gotta train harder. an itching to get a new ink.