I Can Resist Anything Except Temptation.

You Are The One Temptation I Gotta Enjoy.

Tuesday, March 25

weng weng (:

when at the SPDB bbq. look who's behind you?

hahaha after the yoga day. remember anot! this is in the toilet!

the monsters (:
hello world. i think u consist of only a few people cause not many people know this address.

pam is such a loser. thats so sad ):
and do the above pictures look familiar?

i decided today i will blog about shiya.
shiya! haha she is damn scary la. what the hell.
i think she kinda disliked me when we first joined SPDB.
cause i was noisy like a flock of crows.
i think every body hates me like. at first sight.
trust me la. i am nice. i am nice. i am nice.
come on! put it into your head.
pam is nice. hurry! remember it before i spam your brains.
okay you so didnt believe that pam is nice. therefore.
i shall continue talking about shiya. (told you everybody hates me and secretly wished i were dead.)
i lead a sad life. haha
shiya is a left rower. she sits behind behind. know why?
cause she is the power pack.
HAHAHAHA and guess what CCA shiya was in before she joined SPDB?
i will tell you....
can you believe it?
okay laugh now. lets all laugh out loud.
anyway. my weng weng is a really nice girl la.
but u must not annoy her or what.
she is very kiasu. like a typical singaporean.
she arrives for training early.
by early. i mean like. VERY VERY VERY early.
so early that when she takes the wrong bus and makes her way to the training ground.
she is still 45 mins early.
thats how crazy she is.
i think shiya and i make a formidable team when it comes to cheering.
cause we are bothvery loud.
shiya has this funny slang. that when she says. cheebye.
she goes like. chhhhhhheebye. hahahahah :D
weng weng, please dont kill me when you read this.
you know i love you lorrrrrrrr.
shiya sticks up for her friends when she knows they are right.
BUT! when u annoy her.
she will put her arm around your neck and strangle you.
i think THAT will be a fate that i am about to suffer after she reads this.
boohoo. say goodbye to my pathetic little life.
anyway. i think shiya is like. secretly lesbian!
cause she wants to fcuk me everyday la ;)
heh heh heh!
she is damn bloody strong. oh my.
her weights are crazy.
i highly suspect she is going to be the next zakiyyah (:
and! shiya can run very fast.
oh no she is gonna kill me once more.
and! there is also another thing about shiya that makes her shiya (:
it is that. she CANNOT touch her toes when she bends forward.
okay la. i stop 'kah-ing' your jiao wei here le la.
but i bet it can make people laugh, so no harm right?
i love you la weng shiya.

and! dont ever ask shiya to sing for you. lol. dont ask me why.
i still wanna live ;)

okay bye.



Anonymous Anonymous said...


I think she goes like, "Chwweeeeeeebaiiiiii!" or something. Haha!

Like chweekueh. I miss Bedok's chweekueh! Hoho.

March 25, 2008 at 11:43 PM  

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